
Solar Portfolio Refinancing



Jaltech manages a South Africa-focused solar fund that has successfully funded over 180 solar systems in the commercial and industrial sectors. Our objective is to deliver cost-effective, long-term solar funding solutions tailored to:

  1. New commercial and industrial solar projects,
  2. Restructuring funding for existing solar projects or portfolios (including the integration of new batteries and/or solar panels), and
  3. The acquisition of existing solar projects or portfolios.

Why Refinance Your Solar Portfolio?

  1. Unlock Capital
    Free up capital tied to your solar assets, enabling reinvestment in other areas of your business.
  2. Lower Capital Costs
    Take advantage of a lower cost of capital compared to your original funding cost.
  3. Flexible Terms for Greater Control
    Jaltech offers customised solutions with terms and structures that align with the specific needs of your solar portfolio.

Our solar funding solutions provide project owners with an opportunity to restructure their solar funding effectively. Jaltech stands out from other solar funders by offering:

  1. 100% project funding with no capital or security required from the project owner (off-balance-sheet funding),
  2. Access to capital within just a few weeks, and
  3. Flexible funding terms ranging from 8 to 20 years.



South Africa only

Transaction Value:

R10 million to R200 million

Project/System Types:

PV systems or PV systems combined with BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems)

If you are interested in taking discussions forward with us, kindly complete the form below and a representative from Jaltech will contact you.

    Contact person: *

    Email address: *

    Contact number: *

    Company: *

    The solar is for: *

    How soon are you looking to refinance?: *

    Estimated cost of the solar project: *

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