
The Solar Bull Run….When will it end?

The Solar Bull Run… When Will It End?

Jaltech invites you to an invitation-only breakfast event taking place at The Venue (and virtually) in Melrose Arch on 8 March 2024.

The event will feature a number of the energy market’s foremost experts including,  industry analyst Chris Yelland, former COO of Eskom Jan Oberholzer, the head of Discovery Green Andre Nepgen and Jonty Sacks a partner at Jaltech, the market’s fastest-growing solar financier.

The topic for this event is “The Solar Bull Run, when will it end?

Giving attendees insight into this topic is renowned solar industry analyst, Chris Yelland, who will delve into the current solar bull run and provide industry participants with insight into how long they have left to take advantage of market conditions.

Whether attending in person or virtually via a live stream, this event promises an enlightening session. If you’re unable to join us on the day, register, and we’ll send you a recording of the event.

Event Details:

  • Date: 8 March 2024
  • Time: 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
  • Venue: The Venue, Melrose Arch or via live stream
  • Cost: No cost to attend

Event Sponsors

ACDC Dynamics
Price Forbes


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    Solar service offer by your company (select multiple if applicable):
    Not applicableSolar installationO&MPPAsOther

    Areas of focus (select multiple if applicable):
    ResidentialCommercialLarge scale solar / IPP

    How many projects above R5 million does your company do per year?

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